Inle Lake Fishermen in Pixlromatic

One Four Challenge February Week 3: The Fishermen

This week I’ve run my Inle Lake Fishermen through Pixlromatic by Autodesk, another free app that I’ve discovered during this challenge.

There are three ways to transform any photo in Pixlromatic.

The first is a filter or look that works a variety of colour, contrast and clarity adjustments on the image; the second is an overlay that adds a texture or lighting to an image and the third is a variety of frames. You can elect to use all three ways or just one. Here is my fishermen photo done three different ways.

1. Look: Bob; Overlay: Metal; Frame: Ground
Inle Lake Fishermen in Pixlromatic 2. Look: Julia; Overlay: Bocea; Frame: Peri
Fishermen in Pixlromatic: Julia,Bocea,Peri 3. Look: Gordon; Overlay: Getty; Frame: Grunge
Pixlromatic: Gordon, Getty, Grunge

More on Robyn’s One Photo Four Ways Challenge.

23 thoughts on “One Four Challenge February Week 3: The Fishermen

  1. I really like this edit. The darker colors create excellent drama and draw me into the picture even more. They make me wonder – as I said just a minute ago – as if having a flashback to the past. It’s even a bit spooky which well in an original way with a shot of men fishing in an unusual way (well unusual to me ;)).

    Nice work!

  2. I like Version 1 and 3 on this a lot, its the same steps as I go thru in PS but made much easier from the sounds of things LOL

    1. I’ve been working on overlays in Photoshop, and yes, it is a lot more work but you also have a lot more control. That said, I’ve spent a lot of hours this week doing overlays without anything really special happening, and now I’m almost thinking that Pixlromatic is a good way to test various effects, and then do a final version in Photoshop with my own textures and borders…

      1. Yes I spend a LOT of time playing with different textures and blend modes, trying to come up with the right look. I have downloaded HEAPS and still struggle to find the right one sometimes 🙂

  3. This is such a great image – it seems you can do anything with it and it looks great. and thank you for introducing me to this app – it looks like great fun to play with. 🙂

    1. After countless hours spent playing with Pixlromatic I’ve often found that I seem to select only one particular look/overlay/frame for each image. With the fishermen I first selected cold blue ‘Bob’ with the ‘metal’ overlay; and three days later I did exactly the same thing only with a slightly different frame. I really had to go back and force myself to select some different looks and overlays. Hope you’re having fun with Pixlromatic!

  4. Thanks for sharing all these versions, looks like I need to check out this app, although do you happen to know if it has a desktop version? I am behind the times and don’t have a smartphone.
    I do appreciate the first version although I love the coloring of the second. Really fun to look at all three.

    1. I don’t know if there is a desktop version. I am a bit behind the times too, and am only just now learning about apps. But beware. It’s a good thing I am retired because they are so much fun and playing around with them really chews up a lot of time!

      1. 🙂 Thanks for the warning. Yes, I can totally see how that happens. It is like watching magic unfold before your eyes! I’ll check it out, thanks.

  5. Gosh, this is another great app you’ve used with really effective results.
    Do you have a preference Eliza? I find it hard to decide, although I think Im leaning towards the second 😃 Fun experimenting!!

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