Balancing Rock Poster

One Word Challenge: Balance

Our assignment in my mixed-media class was ‘a bird, a rock and a letter’.

a Bird, a Rock, a Letter
a Bird, a Rock, a Letter

After a sleepless night with the refrain ‘a bird, a rock and a letter’ constantly running through my head, I spent the night and next morning sketching frantically. One of my morning sketches had this image of a seagull balanced on one foot on a standing stone that was balanced on a red letter ‘L’…

Why ‘L’? I’m not sure. Maybe it was the only letter that would balance with a bit of personality.

Plus I’m pretty sure that I was being influenced by the balancing rock poster I saw with the Chinese character for ‘rock’ tilted on its side.

Balancing Rock Poster
Balancing Rock Poster

And of course the whole thing would be centred. What’s with me and centering? Am I afraid to venture out into the wild world of assymmetry at this point in my life? Or am I craving balance?

Vulture standing on a turtle nest marker balanced on a Costa Rican stone
Vulture standing on a turtle nest marker balanced on a Costa Rican stone…

More of Jennifer Nichole Wells’ One Word Challenge: Balance.

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