watercolour sketch of raindrops causing ripples on the duck pond

Sketches of Ripples in the Nearby Duck Ponds

January was a long month; trying to find items to do for a Sketch-a-Day Challenge over the 31-day month was challenging. That problem went away when I started doing sketches of tight crops of photos of water ripples.

For Day 16 I travelled from tropical Puerto Vallarta up to the frozen north. It was a very cold December in Vancouver with most of the ponds frozen over. The only exception was at the Lagoons, a couple of private ponds with underwater fountains that kept part of them ice-free. The birds in the neighbourhood had all gathered there and were happily splashing around. The crows and ducks in the neighbourhood had all gathered and were happily splashing around in the pond at the Lagoons

I did a number of crops of various shots of the pond ripples which I then sketched. rippled reflections in the water at the Lagoons
Day 16 pencil sketch. I made notes on the side of the page saying, ‘Klimt, Munch, Japanese’, references to artists/paintings I wanted to check out. If you’re curious these were the search terms that I ultimately used to find work similar to mine: Klimt art, water, Attersea  and Japanese woodcut art, ripples in pond.pencil sketch of rippled reflections in the water at the Lagoons
Day 17 was another drawing of rippled reflections at the Lagoons again. I had intended to only add a bit of blue-green watercolour to the drawing but somehow ended up painting the whole thing.
Watercolour sketch of rippled reflections in the water at the Lagoons

One shot I had was of this little crow admiring himself in the water. I had some trouble drawing him so I decided I should do a few sketches of crows before I tried again.

Day 24 and I finally got back to the crow at the water’s edge. After doing a pencil sketch I add large dripping brushes of watercolour. The paper was so absorbent that it reminded me of painting on Chinese rice paper, a completely different experience than painting on European watercolour papers where the paint stays on the surface and the colours stay brilliant.watercolour underlay done with a large brush and lots of water added to the sketch of the Crow admiring himself in the water of the LagoonsDay 24 finished, water colour and acrylic ink.Watercolour sketch of a crow admiring himself in the rippled reflections in the water at the Lagoons

I still have one more sketch to do, this Common Goldeneye Duck. His reflection in the water adds another area of interest.

Another sketch I did was of a cropped portion of rain falling on a duck pond near me. tree in the duck pond that red-winged blackbirds liked to leap off of for a bath

This is a low-lying willow tree that the red-winged blackbirds like to fling themselves off of for a springtime bath.Granville Island duck pond that red-winged blackbirds were using for a bath

This was Day 25, my last sketch of water ripples as in the process of drawing this one I became fascinated with the bark on the trees and headed off in a new direction.
Watercolour sketch of raindrops making circular ripples on the duck pond
An interesting article on photographing reflections on water: http://www.betterphotography.in/features/art-water/450/

3 thoughts on “Sketches of Ripples in the Nearby Duck Ponds

    1. This Sketch-a-Day Challenge was an interesting experiment of having to reach deeper into myself when I ran out of ‘easy’ things to sketch. I’ll certainly be trying it again next January, and maybe even sooner…

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